With this modern treatment method it is possible to gently correct almost invisible malocclusions. Additional aids (elastics, etc.) can also be used to correct slight jaw misalignments.
mainly to stabilise the results of orthodontic treatment ("retention plates"). However, it can also be useful in cases of early milk tooth loss. In these cases, they are also called "space maintainers".

Invisalign is suitable for both adolescent and adult patients. Due to its good predictability, this system is also suitable for combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgical treatments.

Aligners are a sequence of transparent corrective splints which are produced individually for each patient, created by digital planning. The aligners cover all teeth in the upper and lower jaw and are made of plastic.

Precise impressions of the upper and lower jaw are needed for digital planning. In contrast to conventional impressions, this type of impression differs in its accuracy and is crucial for the fit of the aligners. To hold the aligners in place and to support tooth movement, attachments are usually bonded to the teeth. This procedure takes place immediately before the first pair of aligners is fitted. In consultation with the orthodontist, the patient is given 3-4 pairs of aligners, which must be replaced at regular intervals. The wearing time is 22 hours per day. This way, the teeth are moved into the optimal final position little by little. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the malocclusion or the number of aligners needed. Details of your treatment plan like this can only be given after the digital planning has been processed. Normally, however, it can be assumed that treatment with Invisalign does not take longer than with other orthodontic devices.

Uncomplicated insertion and removal guarantee easy handling by the patient. Additionally, unrestricted pleasure in eating and specialized dental care at home for orthodontic treatments are no longer a problem.


Dr. med. dent. Daniel Heekeren
Orthodontic Specialist

Orthodontics Practice in Münchenstein

Baselstrasse 71
CH-4142 Münchenstein


Phone: 061 411 13 17

Our office hours

Mon - Thu 07:30 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 17:30

Fri 07:30 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 16:00


For appointments or questions, you can reach us by phone or e-mail